
Affordable Quality Distance Education By India's Largest University Lpu

Funding of education is primarily the government's responsibility, with the exception of some kindergarten and basic school costs where local councils are also an important source of finance. Developed with the help of Dr. Larry Miller, the nation’s foremost expert on K-12 performance funding, the Performance Funding Issue Brief and Modeling Tool shows real results. When performance funding is high compared to the overall proportion of funding, student success is higher. Learning gains are even more significant for at-risk students, where extra funding for their success can narrow achievement gaps. In states across the country, funding for schools is stuck in an industrial model, focused on “inputs” and specific instructional models that no longer work for most students. By changing the way funding is structured—and enhancing its transparency to the public—districts and schools are able to improve and innovate on behalf of students. Student athletes occasionally receive athletic...

Education System In Pakistan

The institution is trying to make students incorrectly believe that its programs have been reviewed and meet some level of quality. In other nations, the ministry of education or department of education is likely the primary resource for checking accreditation. WES provides a list of country resources that include respective government bodies for accreditation. Some ministries periodically update lists of accredited institutions as well as of diploma mills. The first level of triage has to be done by those actually reviewing the credentials in question. This lack of interaction can cause problems when there is a dissenting opinion that cannot be picked up on with non-verbal cues, and is misperceived as a verbal attack. This type of miscommunication can cause the community problems as the class progresses. It is fair to say that compressed video can magnify the strengths and weaknesses of the instructor. Students are prone to pick up on a lack of organization and direction and respon...